Romeo And Juliet: Choice Or Fate

Although faith and choice can both drive your life, it is more likely that you choose to live your life. While fate is the primary reason Romeo and Juliet were brought up in two different families, they are also responsible for their deaths, there are some quotes that show that fate is not the only factor.

Romeo’s faults are his impulsive acts and his tendency not to think rationally and reason rationally. He makes the decision to kill Tybalt in retaliation for Mercutio’s death. Even though he knew Tybalt was going to be exiled or killed by him. He makes the quick and illogical decision to take his own life. Romeo’s most irrational and rash decision-making is when he sees Juliet as beautiful, but fails to notice that she is not actually dead. Romeo’s line: “Death,” Romeo says. Thou art still unconquered. Beauty is yet to be conquered. (act 5 scene 3 lines 92-95)”. Romeo might have realized that Juliet was still alive if he had thought a little more rationally in that moment. This play is ironically tragic because fate didn’t allow Friar Laurence’s explanation of Juliet’s faked suicide to be ignored. Romeo’s choices, and particularly his refusal to let fate’s letter explaining Juliet’s fake death go through, make this play so tragic. This is most evident in Prince Escalus’s speeches. In the final scene, “See what an affliction is laid on your hate” (303-04). He isn’t saying that fate caused Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. Instead, he says that their hatred is to be blamed, and Capulet, Montague chose to hate and continue the feud.

Shakespeare is clear that fate can play a part in some circumstances but ultimately it is the choices that cause tragic deaths.


  • nicholashopkins

    Nicholas Hopkins is a social media teacher, writer and educator. He has been blogging since 2009, and has since published over 20 articles and taught social media in high school and college. He is currently a social media teacher and blogger at Nicholas Hopkins Academy.