Advocates Seek More Focus On Learning Foreign Languages

As the United States becomes increasingly interconnected with other countries, advocates for foreign language education are making a push to prioritize the learning of foreign languages on a national level. This issue took center stage at a recent forum attended by experts from the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. The purpose of the forum was to raise awareness about the growing need for foreign language study in English-speaking countries and explore strategies to enhance language instruction.

William P. Rivers, the executive director of the Joint National Committee for Languages-National Council for Language and International Studies, emphasized the importance of language education in today’s globalized world. He compared language to the oil of the 21st century and highlighted the struggle of commerce and government to keep up with the ongoing global conversation. The conference, held at the University of Maryland College Park, provided a platform for experts from various fields to discuss the significance of multilingualism in a global economy.

A noteworthy finding from the 2010 U.S. Census data revealed that only 10 percent of native-born U.S. citizens feel comfortable conversing in a language other than English, while 53 percent of Europeans are able to have conversations in a second language. This highlights the need for more multilingual individuals in the United States.

The United Kingdom also recognizes the disadvantages of a predominantly monolingual society and has recently launched a campaign urging its citizens to learn at least 1,000 words in another language. A similar campaign is being planned by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) to communicate the importance of language education to students and parents. Initial polling suggests that the prospect of increased career opportunities resonates with those surveyed. The ACTFL aims to raise awareness about the importance of languages for young people’s future and provide resources for pursuing language study.

The campaign will include a website offering information to parents, students, policymakers, and school administrators about the benefits of learning a second language and where to find language programs. Public-service announcements on TV and radio will direct people to the website, and the ACTFL plans to collaborate with well-known figures to promote foreign language learning. The organization is also seeking support from political leaders, organizations, and other governments to fund and endorse the campaign.

However, some experts raised concerns about the potential challenges in promoting foreign language education, particularly in light of the increasing focus on STEM education. They stressed the need to address this issue and ensure that language education receives equal importance to STEM subjects.

Overall, the goal is to cultivate a multilingual citizenry that can effectively engage with the rest of the world. The efforts to prioritize foreign language education reflect the belief that this is a pivotal moment in recognizing the significance of multilingualism.

Your assignment is to completely rephrase the given text using improved vocabulary and ensure its uniqueness with natural language. The final version should be written in English. The provided text is as follows:

"In order to complete this task, you must rewrite the entire text using better words and make it distinct in meaning by employing natural language. All output should be articulated in the English language."


  • nicholashopkins

    Nicholas Hopkins is a social media teacher, writer and educator. He has been blogging since 2009, and has since published over 20 articles and taught social media in high school and college. He is currently a social media teacher and blogger at Nicholas Hopkins Academy.